DanceVids Blog

Your Name:

Tremendous talent you have there. I thoroughly enjoyed watching them dance. Keep me in loop with their progress. Feel free to post anytime, such quality is very much appreciated. Joan Quinlan November 29 at 6:38pm
Your doing fantastic.   It won’t be long that you will be known by everyone worldwide.  Your friend Tony Sun 11/22/2009 11:55 PM
For the past three years I have presented DanceVidsTV for the Ballroom Dance Community. This Venture has been financed entirely by me with the patience of my family. There has been a steadily increasing response to DanceVidsTV. The requirements for presenting, DanceVids has also increased. To continue to provide DanceVidsTV I need support from you.
Because things have changed so rapidly I need help. I need to purchase better Video equipment, to improve the quality of the video I shoot (my camera is dying). I need better Editing equipment and Computer programs to edit my videos. I need funds to purchase blank Digital Video Tapes, Batteries, and other supplies, to go to the events I tape. If you believe in what I am doing or if you appreciate my talents please contribute and help sponsor DanceVidsTV.
If you know of someone else that can help please let them know about this issue.
Sincerely yours
Lewis Bailey Date: Tuesday, July 31, 2007, 5:26 PM
try kiji tampa bay classifides put alerts out for your search.
craigslist search there contact university arts and theater dept, i will ask around with in the swing dance comminty for you where to get get at discounts or cheap, check out
 meet up .com surround your self with other like minded people, try it it is free
happy holidays
vicky Tuesday, December 15, 2009 10:01 PM
Not sure what you mean?  “Other like minded people” Lewis Date: Wednesday, December 16, 2009, 12:00 AM
into video, production etc.... if you surround yourself with others taht are interested in photography video productions theater then you open up your socail cirlse they know people thats know people and once you have these people in your life they know places things and reources that normally yu would not have like supplies or excessive surplus themsleves, are you seeing the big picture, has so many groups of all tyoes just a resource. Vicky Wednesday, December 16, 2009 11:17 AM
I see the BIG picture.
I have associated with others in the areas of interest that you suggested; I operated a Video Production Studio and produced Community TV Programming in Tampa, I produced a video for the Tampa Ballet prior to that and I also worked for the mayor of the city of Tampa before moving to Pinellas County.
Associating within the Ballroom Dance Community was an expansion of my social circle to meet people that know people.
Just a years ago  no one in ballroom knew me. Within this past year I have met many wonderful people and I have had the opportunity to video tape some of the top Competitors/Performers in the world and work with the top Competition/Event Presenter in the area (I’ve ventured no further north than Orlando and only as far southward as Sarasota).   Since then thousands of people have seen my videos, and I trying to keep it within my means   and  was requesting local support to further realize my dreams.
Lewis Wednesday, December 16, 2009 1:17 AM

You are producing some good work with your videos.
We need to promote Ballroom dancing as being sexy, romantic, trendy and "IN" - you are on the right track.
How about a film on Children’s ballroom dancing i.e. visit the Blackpool medal festival there are hundreds maybe with a backing track "!Heal the World"?!?
It would be good if you could get some film of Ballroom dancers having fun in Jeans & Tea shirts and a drink or pizza before or after an event to show that it is something for "ordinary" people.
As well as working in London, I also run a school in Germany I was thinking of linking some of your videos to this website, is that OK?
Keep up the good work!
Best wishes

Dear Lewis
It may be worthwhile for you to visit the Carl Alan Awards (Oscars for Dance in London) 7th Feb. There are shows by top class professionals in Ballroom & Latin and also from the stage and Ballet.
Link to the Carl Alan is here:
In March 12 – 14 is “Move it see:
At the same time maybe you could take in the ISTD Congress and meet some of the top people see:
on you will find details of the medal festivals and also the DFR events, they can be mind blowing and would give you a lot of product and inspiration.

Best of luck

I would love to can you arrange it?

No Problem, my wife and I are attending both anyway.
If you contact Carol at tell her that you know me and request a ticket for the Carl Alan awards dinner and ask to sit on our table you should have no problem.
Same with the ISTD Seminar in March, here I am lecturing at the Congress and in the evening is the dinner.
You may not be able to film the lectures during the day as an educational video is being made, but could maybe get some shots in the evening.
Move it is open to everybody and whatever dances is there so ther irts just a case of asking and filming.

Best wishes